Here I’ve compiled a list of tutorials and online resources (listed in alphabetical order) that I have found useful over the years. I did not make any of these resources; I’m very grateful for those who did.
- Andy’s Brain Book: neuroimaging tutorials, great for absolute beginners
- Blogdown book: how to make a website (such as this one) using Hugo and Blogdown. Very useful if you’d like to use Github Pages for your website.
- Columbia CTL Resources: a long list of resources and guides for effective and inclusive teaching.
- Dartbrains: clear tutorials for neuroimaging analysis in Python
- Git/Github tutorial: version control, branching, collaborating, etc.
- Jonathan Soma’s website: tons of tutorials for coding of all kinds
- Multilevel modeling tutorial Part 1 and Part 2: mixed effects models in R
- Mumford Brain Stats: Youtube channel about neuroimaging data and analysis
- Neurohackademy: an annual summer academy about computational skills and neuroscience. All materials and lectures are freely available
- Shiny: R pakage for making interactive data exploration tools
- Simple Transformers: Python package for using transformer models with tons of tutorials
- SIPPS R tutorials: a series of tutorials on the fundamentals of data analysis in R, taken from a grad student-run summer program at Columbia.
- Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century: an excellent and practical textbook about statistics, with tutorials in R and Python
- Tidy Tuesday: weekly datasets. Great for building tutorials or practice with data analysis or plotting in R
- The Writing Workshop: how to write, how to read, how to organize your life in academia